Sunday, December 7, 2008

Winter Cleaning

Inspired by the beauty & efficiency of our new windows, all day yesterday, R & I got busy setting more to rights. R took on the shed, I sewed up a new bag for our paper recyclables, cleaning, cleaning, purging and then, just as the rest of the world was settling down to a nice, quiet evening, we rearranged our all furniture yet one. more. time.

We've been through this drill so many times. Each time seemed better than the last, but none were quite right.

This time though, I think we've got it. Our 12'x13' room now has four distinct areas: a tiny entry area with a table to drop our keys & the mail, a sitting area just off to the left of the door, a play area tucked behind the easy chair, and a second play area next to the bookcase. Me likey.

Toy shelves behind the easy chair:

Comfy sitting area with nice light streaming in from the windows:

I love this arrangement. We have a nice line of sight through the arch and into the dining room & kitchen. It's a great spot for cozying up with a cup of coffee & the paper & watching Baby M play in her new, distinct play area:

One of the shelves on the bookcase is just for her. And soon, when she's old enough, this will be a perfect spot for coloring and working on projects. Right now, she's digging playing tea party with the bright & cheery coffee set Omi & Opa brought back from their trip.

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